hhhhHollywould Productions' Downloadable Videos
hhhhHP-813 Deal of a Lifetime
Description of HP-813: Hollywood enters the lair of an online slave ring auctioneer. She is dressed in a sexy black mini skirt with black boots, nylons, and a red tank top. As she is looking for her foe, he surprises her from behind and as she is talking, he knocks her out cold with a vicious upper cut. The villain then removes Hollywood's clothes and boots, leaving her in her underwear and nylons, before tying her wrists and ankles. Hollywood awakens to see the villain placing a camera near her and she realizes that she is the next woman to be auctioned!! To increase the bids, the villain gets input via text message from the auction bidders to gag her, tickle her feet, give her belly punches, and knock her out. As the bids go higher, the torment keeps coming. The villain knocks Hollywood out several times, reties her hands behind her back, tickles Hollywood relentlessly, and removes her nylons to expose Hollywood's bare feet for more tickling. How high do the bids go? Does Hollywood get away or is she SOLD to the highest bidder?
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