Description of Wonder Womyn in "Special Delivery":
Wonder Womyn gets a knock at the door, it's the Post man (Darnell) delivering
Wonder Womyn a special package, when she goes to sign for it, he quickly incapacitates her with
a volt of electricity. Wonder Womyn is down, but not out. He quickly enters the house and proceeds to put a beat down on our famous weakened SuperHeroine. Scissors, bearhugs, chokes, punches, belly punches, OTS holds: you name it, he does it.
He decides to put Wonder Womyn out with a tainted cloth. He then removes her belt, and boots.
The evil Villian wakes the tied up superheroine with a slap to the face and tells her that he has set a trap that she cannot escape. He has called the police, when they come to the door he has a gun connected to a sensor that will go off as soon as the door is opened. The gun is pointed directly at Wonder Womyn. The Next thing you hear is a knock at the door.
Does Wonder Womyn outlive this dangerous Trap ? Get this Hot video and see!