
Hollywould Productions's Downloadable Videos

HP-374 Wonder Womyn vs Nemesis

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Video is approx. 9 minutes long , 44 MB, and is 15 tokens.

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Description of Wonder Womyn vs Nemesis:

Brazen, beautiful, and down-right brutal, The Nemesis (Christie Ricci) has come to town hankerin’ for a fight and a worthy opponent to test her menace and mettle — and she’s found one, in the form of the amazing Amazon, Wonder Womyn (Hollywood)! Calling out our heroine with the challenge of a no-holds-barred, brawl-to-end-all-brawls, the feminine fury may have bitten off more than she can chew when Wonder Womyn accepts, entering the squared circle, packed with fire and muster! In a flurry of raw, undeniable strength and willpower, these two, determined titans collide, head-on, sizing each other up through a devastating array of body-breaking blows, crippling crushes, breath-taking submissions, and blatant choke-holds! The ring shudders and ripples in sheer agony from the impact as these fighting femmes clash — no quarter taken, none given! But, as the confrontation wears on, it becomes abundantly clear that The Nemesis may have met her proverbial match in the empowered Amazon! However, cunning as she is lethal, The Nemesis — through a series of calculated maneuvers — manages to wrest Wonder Womyn’s belt (the source of her vaunted strength and vitality) from around her shapely form, evening the odds! What follows is a vicious offensive against the now powerless warrior! Yet, even as the tides of conflict dramatically shift against her, Wonder Womyn battles on, defiant and unwavering! But, even a warrior-born has her limits, and soon The Nemesis’ incessant, physical barrage of bare-fisted pummeling, ferocious figure-fours, and remorseless back-breakers (not to mention some nasty, out-of-the-ring antics) begins to pay a heavy toll upon our dynamic diva’s battered body and rapidly dwindling stamina. Will The Nemesis live up to her menacing namesake, and can Wonder Womyn long endure, let alone overcome, the unrelenting assault of this new, deadly adversary?



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