Hollywood and Jennifer Thomas are in the ring stretching as they prepare for a Test of Strength match. These two ladies have zero love lost for one another in the ring and as they strut their gorgeousness about the ring, the trash talk flies! Hollywood maintains this will be a simple test for her, while Jennifer feels she is the one that is in store for a simple victory! Hollywood continues to intimidate Jennifer as the two lock up with a single hand. They both vie for position and when they break Hollywood can be seen shaking her potentially injured hand while Jennifer struts about with a content look on her face. They lock up again and continue the struggle! The trash talking is non-stop inbetween the grunts and moans of pain! Hollywood uses her height for leverage and she gains advantage, forcing Jennifer against the ropes. As Hollywood begins to dominate, Jennifer twists out of a hold and attempts to kick Hollywood in the midsection, but Hollywood blocks the dirty blow! Jennifer is scrambling as Hollywood continues to control her, but mighty Jennifer soon has Hollywood backed up against the ropes! Finally, one of the ladies is able to force her opponent to concede, but you'll have to get this hot video to find out whom the winner was!!!