hhhhHollywould Productions' Downloadable Videos

hhhhHP-2005 Test Case



TITLE: Test Case Part 1 COST: $7 ~ 7 MINUTES

TITLE: Test Case Part 2 COST: $7 ~ 7 MINUTES

TITLE: Test Case Part 3 COST: $7 ~ 7 MINUTES

TITLE: Test Case Complete Video COST: $21 ~ 21 MINUTES




Description of HP-2005:

We find Hollywood dressed to the nines as she is being interviewed for a scientific test case. Hollywood is more than willing to contribute to science and her interviewer has her doing a few "tests" in order to evaluate her. These tests include Hollywood bending over to touch her toes (as he checks out her rock hard ass!) doing jumping jacks, and a few other things that have nothing to do with science other than showing the interviewer what a hot rockin' babe Hollywood is!!! Unfortunately for Hollywood, a ripped & muscled Lora Cross enters the room! Hollywood finds out that she is to become part of a test case involving some sort of genetic experiment! Lora immediately drags Hollywood in the other room, slams her into the wall, and puts her down with a vicious clothesline! Then the experiment begins: our fav girl gets brutally worked over by this superhuman genetic aberration! Lora stomps, chokes, and contorts poor Hollywood with no mercy! The interviewer is disappointed as he thought Hollywood would put up more of a fight, but she is being destroyed! Then it comes out that Hollywood is not simply a test case. She is going to be used for further experimentation!!! There is talk of "harvesting"??? Lora puts Hollywood out cold, and she is carried off. Will she ever return??? Get this exciting video!!!



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