Hair: Med Brown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 121
Eyes: Hazel
Dress: 3/4
Shoe: 8 1/2
D.O.B.: May 19th 1969 Taurus
I know that there will be a lot of wrestling fans
out there...
Well, your probably wondering "How does one
who looks more of the model type
end up wrestling"? It was actually pretty simple. I was born and
raised in
So. Calif so that makes me a Native. I was a 17 year old Medical
Assistant/Phlebotomist in the Burbank area when I decided to quit easing
pain and start inflicting some! I auditioned for G.L.O.W (Gorgeous Ladies
Wrestling)and beat out over 500 battling' babes to become "Hollywood"
, half
of the tag team of "Hollywood and Vine".
I was able to tour everywhere-
Hong Kong, Malaysia, Moscow, all over the U.S. and Panama.
I have
my own production Co called "Hollywould Productions" I produce, direct, train and star in my
own wrestling videos.
During the taping of the GLOW shows I ended up getting
my Union cards - SAG and
I have done lots of TV/Stunt and Film work (see resume) I have done numerous Game shows and even wrestled several newscasters and DJ's . The new generation of GLOW is in the works now for a realty TV show... more later.
I have been working on my very first Biography, will post when its published!
Some of the Magazines I have appeared in are:
* Tongue Magazine - Spring 2003 Pictorial "Headlock Hotties"
* Fighting Females - Fall 2000 Cover
* Fighting Females - Fall 1998 Cover and pictorial
* Fighting Females -Winter 1997 Cover and pictorial
* Fighting Females -Winter 1997 Cover and pictorial
* Easy Rider Mag - April 1995 Issue Cover and pictorial
* Playboy's Lingerie - Jan/Feb 1993 issue and May/June 1993 issue
* Playboy's Career Girls 1992 AUG
Some of the shows I have been on or stunted on are
* Days Of our Lives
*VH1 -" Real Chance Of Love"
*Beyond Lochness
*Entertainment Tonight
*Extra etc.
*Married with Children (twice)
*The X Show
*Sex Court
*Extreme Gong (twice)
*The Dating Game
Here is a link to my Resume Page
I love to collect KISS Dolls and memorbilia I love Music, R&B, R&R, Blues,
Classic rock
and some Classical like Carl Orff , Mozart and Tchaikovsky ...
I love camping, cooking, going to see my friends bands play is always
Snow boarding is one of my favorite Winter sports to do..I am getting certified in scuba!
For my Birthday
one year I took myself to Cozumel/Cancun and did a lot of snorkeling,
I also
saw the Mayan Pyramids in Chichen-Itza (Yucatán) they were beautiful!
I do
love traveling, NYC is great especially at Christmas time! New Orleans
fun, Vegas oh yeah that craps table!!! =) I have traveled to Rome, Amsterdam
London ,Berlin, Prague and recently Ireland, love those castles!
I do love promoting my site when and where ever
I can. You can always catch me at
Glamour Con in LA, In Nov.
I have Modeled quite
a bit and I am a spokeswoman for many different Co's and Conventions...
I also help charity's when I can, my friend
Laura and I did a Bike
Toy ride... I have also helped Children of the Night! and a new fundraiser
event. Music To The Rescue . LA, Ca.
I do hope you enjoy this site as much as I do, please
do email me as I do
love answering all my email!
Click to E-mail Hollywood